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How Business Growth Really Works

Make the Right Moves for Successful Innovation and Ambitious Growth
Businesses strive for growth. Innovation is often viewed as the key to growth. And, marketing is expected to drive growth. But, picking the right opportunities can make or break a company's growth prospects. Too often, precious time and money are lost on growth derailing detours.

Market strategist and advisor Phyllis Ezop has unveiled powerful patterns that pave the way toward accelerated growth. Her 20 plus years of research dissects business success and failure from a historical perspective. She finds that companies grow profitably by making a series of what she calls Winning Moves. Winning Moves can defy conventional wisdom and challenge outdated assumptions. But, they work.

Ezop's views have been in Business Week and she was quoted in The New York Times, Harvard Management Update and Investor's Business Daily. Whether you aspire to grow, or whether you're already growing and want to do it more effectively, Ezop's Winning Moves® system can help take your business growth to new heights.  

This web site is dedicated to helping you make those Winning Moves. This site helps you learn how and why most innovation actually stifles growth, how the entire process of choosing target markets must be revamped, and how an entirely new framework can transform your internal data into a powerful competitive resource. And, it helps you become highly selective in the innovation and change you pursue. So you can make the right moves, and win.

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